To enhance the user experience in discovering Taikoo Place, our client approached us to give a “face-lift” to their app, Taikoo Social. To accompany the re-launch of the new look of their app, we also revamp the promotion video to announce the exciting new features that the app was to bring to the Taikoo Place community.
We designed fun and energetic graphics and illustrations with a contemporary appeal that sync with the Taikoo Place vibe. “Planet exploration” is the new design theme where users discover fascinating hot topics and offer as they navigate the app. From the coolest events to the hottest deals, feature stories on the best food, to the style and people in Taikoo Place, Taikoo Social is designed as their one-stop gateway to the neighborhood. Beautified with cyber style graphics and user-friendly updates, the app is shaped as an identity of the users for all these exclusive offers and coolest experiences by just a click step.
People nowadays are bombarded with different information, and Taikoo Social is aimed to stand out from clutters by offering them a hassle-free user experience. Our promo video, in the form of dynamic visual and motion graphics, is a vivid demonstration of how users are having their enjoyment via the app beyond the busy work life.